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Criminal defense Law Attorney
Law Office of Alex D. Biel
Office 1312 N. Monroe St. Spokane WA 99201 work
Office Phone: (509) 850-2859work
While attending Gonzaga University School of Law, Alexander Biel began his focus on criminal defense and international law. He externed at the Federal Defenders of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, where he diligently worked with supervising attorneys on federal felony cases. He appeared in federal court as lead counsel for petty offense cases, and has worked well with prosecutors in resolving issues expeditiously. His primary focus in Spokane is criminal defense. He can speak fluent German, and is proficient in Spanish as well.
Alex was born in Spokane, Washington. After graduating from Lewis and Clark High School, Alex studied foreign languages at the University of Idaho. Upon graduation, he moved to Austria to teach English as a second language with the Fulbright Commission. Once his visa expired, however, he returned home to help manage the family business, Urbanna Natural Salon and Spa. It was only at this time that he decided a legal education would allow him to continue to positively impact the lives of the community in which he lives.
When Alex isn’t working, he enjoys travelling, snowboarding, golf, bridge, and climbing.
Biel & Cassel, LLP was established by two recent graduates of Gonzaga University School of Law. The partners, Alexander Biel and Stuart Cassel were partners in Gonzaga Law School’s oral advocacy competition, where they discovered their mutual potential. They successfully advocated their way to the finals before 8 state supreme court judges from Washington, Idaho, and Montana. Stuart has been given an opportunity to clerk for an Appellate judge, and has left the firm on only the best of terms. Now, Alex has decided to continue in providing competent representation in all areas of criminal defense to those in need throughout the many stages of the legal process. He is capable of thorough analysis and diligent representation. From Pre-Trial hearings to Appeals, Alex works hard to ensure the best possible outcome for you.