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Family Law Attorney
Clark Law PLLC
Office 694 Pine Street Manchester NH 3104 work
Office Phone: (603) 473-4338work
Attorney Brockelman graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a B.A on Communication and received her Juris Doctor from Franklin Pierce Law Center, now known as the University of New Hampshire School of Law, in 2005.
Rebecca was admitted to the State Bar of New Hampshire and Massachusetts in 2005. Miss Brockelman was also admitted to the U.S. District Court for the District of New Hampshire in 2005. Attorney Brockelman has been working in the legal field since 1992.
Attorney Brockelman has been with Clark Law Offices for over 15 years. Prior to obtaining her law degree, Attorney Brockelman worked closely with Attorney Cindy Clark as a family law paralegal and law clerk. She has represented a broad range of individuals and business entities on a wide variety of matters, including family law, estate planning, corporate and real estate transactions.
Rebecca is a member of the New Hampshire Bar Association, the Collaborative Law Alliance of New Hampshire and the Family Law section of the New Hampshire Bar Association. Attorney Brockelman focuses on real estate and family law issues including alternatives to traditional litigation such as marital mediation and Collaborative Law.
If you are facing the possibility, or reality, of a life-changing family law event, you need advice from an experienced professional. We offer a free initial consultation to answer the many questions you are sure to have. From our professional office in Manchester, New Hampshire, the attorneys and staff of Clark Law PLLC have been helping people find answers to their family law questions for more than 33 years.
Founder Law Firm
Law Offices of Keith A. Mathews, Esq.
Office 1000 Elm St #803 Manchester NH 03101 work
Office Phone: (603) 923-9855work
Attorney Keith A. Mathews is the managing partner of Associated Attorneys of New England. A Maine native, Attorney Mathews is licensed to practice in both Maine and New Hampshire and focuses Attorney Keith efforts on criminal defense, personal injury and foreclosure defense issues. He has also been admitted to United States District Courts for the Districts of New Hampshire and Maine.