The U.S. Lawyer Directory that is All About Lawyers, with key information summarized in an easy way for you to make an intelligent decision regarding who to hire when looking at their experience and qualifications. All Lawyers — it’s all About the best Lawyers.
I have an extraordinary job. I love being a lawyer. I have the privilege of serving people I care about every day and get to use my mind, knowledge and experience to guide clients through some of the most difficult situations they will face. Becoming the best lawyer I can be is not a journey I take in isolation but one that involves each and every client. Every client is unique. Your experience is unique. My job is to understand, counsel and advocate. Your goals become my goals. Your fears and worries become my fears and worries. Together we try and figure out the best path to achieving your goals and how we can best minimize your fears or worries.
The attorney-client relationship is about listening and sharing, not dictating and forcing. I see so many lawyers forgetting that simple fact. Being a lawyer is about understanding the person in front of you. Who you are, what is important to you, and what do you want to achieve. It’s only when I understand you that I can truly help you see past all the fears, worries, challenges, and roadblocks. It’s only then that I can truly help you empower yourself and start again after a divorce, arrest, or life altering injury.
Some of my colleagues repeat the mantra that lawyers can only be effective when they specialize. I believe that to be nonsense and absolutely reject that conclusion. My reason for doing so is simple. I believe that working in a variety of, but related, practice areas prevents me from becoming “a divorce attorney,” or a “criminal defense attorney,” or a “personal injury attorney.” What do you think of when you repeat any of those labels? Probably not something positive. It may be because the minute a lawyer is labeled as one of those things I believe they become desensitized to the individual and their unique problems and personality. Instead they start to promote a cookie-cutter approach which tends to focus on maximizing profits for the lawyer rather than maximizing results for the client. I prefer being “an advocate” that happens to do divorce, criminal defense and personal injury work.
We are a modern law firm providing comprehensive and dedicated legal representation in Fairfield County, CT.
What is a modern law firm? At Bayer & Black, we utilize modern technologies to enhance the attorney-client experience for our clients by reducing costs and expediting communication. This is done by: Client video conferencing meetings upon request; A cloud-based practice management system that when appropriate allows clients and the attorneys 24/7 access to the legal file in a secure environment regardless of location allowing to the firm to come to you if needed; credit card and wire payment options; An online intake system for divorce that allows you to prepare intake forms reducing unnecessary meetings and costly paperwork; and Use of email, text, and facsimile for transmitting and receiving documents as well as client contact.
Even simple legal matters can be scary to face alone. The good news is, you do not have to. At Bayer & Black, P.C., we are committed to providing our clients with sound and effective advice for whatever problem they are facing. We help our clients achieve their goals through effective representation. Kevin, Doug, and all of the team members at Bayer & Black, P.C. recognize each client is unique, and every situation they bring to us deserves individualized solutions. When you work with us, you will be provided with experienced, relevant, and trusted counsel. Unlike many other firms, our size allows us to provide some client matters alternative fee options, such as flat fee billing and installment plans, instead of hourly billing.
Our philosophy is to fully examine a situation to determine what the legal goals of our clients may be and work aggressively toward obtaining that outcome for them. At Bayer & Black, P.C., from our first phone call or meeting, we share our judgment and years of experience to advise on how best to meet our clients’ objectives in the most timely and cost-effective manner. We recognize our client’s opinion is valuable and needs to be respected, which is why our firm always takes the time to listen to their questions, comments, and concerns.
Every new client taken on by Bayer & Black, P.C. is treated uniquely and as an individual who is entitled to personalized attention. Our approach to each new matter is to gather all the information we need from the client and then set forth a good-faith explanation of the legal steps, time, and cost that will be required to competently handle your case or transaction. At the end of each case, we want our clients to know that they have made the right choice, which is why we work so hard to speak directly with you, aggressively defend your rights, and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome for your legal situation.
Why Choose Us
Whether facing a criminal charge, filing for divorce, writing a will, or buying a house or business, the legal process involved in the situation is a mystery to most people. Many law firms take advantage of that confusion to create fear, engage clients, and benefit the firm, but at Bayer & Black, P.C., we take the opposite approach. From the outset, we are committed to speaking with and educating our prospective clients about their situation, providing actionable advice, and helping them make the best decision for them—even if that means providing information so the client can handle their situation without an attorney or advising them not to hire us to represent them because they need a lawyer with specific expertise.
When it does make sense to hire us, we will bring our experience, compassion, and dedication to your unique case. We will work closely with you, keeping you informed every step of the way, and empower you to make important decisions regarding your case. We will fight aggressively to defend your rights in any legal situation, respect your decisions and will make ourselves available when and where you need us.
Do not hesitate to call us to set up a confidential consultation. We are happy to share our advice and to give you actionable information from our very first meeting. We will not withhold information to keep you coming back. We want to earn your trust as we help you resolve your legal matter to your satisfaction.
195 Danbury Road Suite 160 Wilton CT 06897