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Criminal Defense Attorney at Law
Higbee & Associates
Office 1504 Brookhollow Drive Suite 112 Santa Ana CA 92705 work
Office Phone: (877) 573-7273work
Fax: (866) 534-7049workfax
Criminal Defense Attorney Hecht represents clients in criminal defense matters. Mr. Hecht also assists the firm with civil litigation. He is a member of the state bar of California (#282194) .
Mr. Hecht earned his Juris Doctor degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School. While in law school, Mr. Hecht clerked for the Hon. Thomas M. Hart of the Marion County Circuit Court in Salem, Oregon where he assisted the court in a variety of manners by outlining opinions and researching motions before the court.
Mr. Hecht was also a member of the Disaster Relief Legal Association, providing legal assistance to those most affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Mr. Hecht was born and raised in southeastern Ohio, obtaining his Bachelor of Arts degree in History Pre-Law from Ohio University.
Our law firm is about people. It is about knowing that there are few things more rewarding than helping people get the most out of their life. The members of this law firm are blessed to be able to make a difference for scores of people each month.
To put our service within the financial reach of the most people possible, we had to do things differently. We started by hiring people who shared our passion for giving people a fresh start. Then we empowered them with the technology, training, and tools necessary to deliver high quality service for unbeatable low prices.