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Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights Attorney
Office 4060 Windchime Lane Lakeland FL 33811 work
Office Phone: (863) 232-7626work
Get patent pending status easy, fast and cheap with a provisional patent application. I have even created a DIY option to get Patent Pending status on your product in as little as one day and for less than $100 – check it out here.
When you are ready to move forward to get your invention patented, file a non-provisional patent application.
Not sure if your invention or idea has been thought of before, a patent search can show you similar ideas that others have patented.
When choosing an attorney you need to look for legal experience, technical knowledge and a person you feel comfortable working with. I have worked on hundreds of patent applications, I’m a degreed computer engineer with 10 years of engineering experience. Most importantly though, I’ll take the time to get to know you and your goals for your invention, educate you about patent law and tailor my advice to your needs.
As a patent attorney, I’m registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Florida bar as Stephen W. Aycock II.
I serve clients from across the U.S. and in other countries. My office is located in Lakeland, Florida, which is convenient for clients in the central Florida area cities such as Brandon, Winter Haven, Bartow, Mulberry, Tampa, Plant City, Dunedin, New Port Richey, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, Apopka, Lake Mary, Orlando, Kissimmee and Melbourne. No matter where you live, I can be your patent attorney (or trademark or copyright attorney). Whatever intellectual property need you have, give me a call or send me an email and we can discuss it.