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Michael K. Daniels


Photo of Michael K. Daniels

For over 30 years of being a business bankruptcy lawyer and personal debt relief attorney,  Michael Daniels has represented debtors, creditors and trustees in every kind of bankruptcy case. In 1986, Michael Daniels graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Law and worked as a bankruptcy law attorney for a small firm in Albuquerque until he opened his own law office in 1991.


Our mission is to help clients maintain financial viability in the present, while taking a proactive approach to achieve future goals.  This requires open communication to reach an understanding of our clients’ needs through research and sound analysis.  Michael Daniels Law Offices is dedicated to meeting these goals with high standards of excellence and professionalism.  We have been a staple of the area’s business community for years, and pride ourselves on the level of esteem we have earned.
Our dedication to hard work has earned the respect of the business and financial community in and around the area.  We believe this to be a direct derivative of our talent and responsiveness to our client base.  Whether you are a current or prospective client, rest assured that individuals and businesses who choose Michael Daniels Law Offices receive competent and timely advice.

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