Mr. Lyle S. Lieberman - Welcome

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Mr. Lyle S. Lieberman

Law Firm Partner A Better Way Bankruptcy
Office 13854 Lakeside Circle Ste 219 Sterling Heights MI 48313 Office 1108 West 11 Mile Rd Ste 100 Royal Oak MI 48067 Office Phone: (248) 559-9529 Main website: FindLaw: Justia:


Photo of Mr. Lyle S. Lieberman

Lyle has been specializing in bankruptcy law for almost 20 years. He is a University of Michigan graduate (go Blue!) with a double major in history and psychology. He received his law degree from the Detroit College of Law and was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 1986. Lyle believes that it is important to be treated as an individual. He is aware of the confusion many people have of the bankruptcy law change, and will devote as much time with clients as necessary so they are aware how those changes affect their cases. Lyle knows that he can help you find A BETTER WAY! With the amount of detail and thoroughness needed for the successful management of your bankruptcy in this new age of restrictions and complexities imposed by the new law, put into effect on October 17, 2005, Lyle limits his practice to bankruptcy exclusively. We like to say “It’s all we do, and we do it well!”


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