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James W. Friauf

Employment & Labor Attorney at Law – Workplace Discrimination Lawyer Attorney Law Office of James W. Friauf, PLLC


Photo of James W. Friauf

James’s hobbies include rattling off obscure movie quotes and tormenting the office staff with various electronic gadgets. If you haven’t seen Star Wars, don’t tell him. A self-proclaimed nerd, James used to be a robot himself. After graduating from Middle Tennessee State University and the University of Richmond, T.C. Williams School of Law, James began his legal career representing large corporations and insurance companies at prominent law firms in East and West Tennessee before serving as Labor Counsel to the United States Army. Fortunately, James has re-claimed his humanity and now devotes both his practice and his life to a cause he holds near and dear to his heart: “Helping Everyday People and Those Who Serve Everyday People.” With a passion for employment law and civil rights litigation, James is more than a voice for the voiceless; he recognizes the power of letting people speak for themselves. Simply put, James is definitely someone you want in your corner. You will be hard-pressed to find another person more dedicated to your cause. To put it in his own words, “Since I’ve opened this firm, I’ve never had to ‘work’ a day in my life.”


The mission of James W Friauf, Attorney at Law is “Helping Everyday People and Those Who Serve Everday People.” Specifically, we assist Everyday People in the areas of the law that are most relevant to them on a daily basis: employment matters, on-the-job injuries, car and truck accidents, divorce and child custody, and wills and trusts. We also provide a wide range of legal services to charities and nonprofit organizations at rates lower than those of larger firms.  We do so because we recognize it is important that these organizations receive quality legal representation while minimizing the expenditure of precious resources used to care for those in our communities.

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