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Since becoming a licensed attorney, Kevin Crick has garnered a reputation for being fair, straight forward, hard-working, and tough in his advocating for the rights of consumers and businesses alike. He understands that both individuals and businesses can be victimized by big businesses.
Attorney Crick is amongst the most active consumer protection attorneys residing in his home state of Massachusetts on a yearly basis. He has been lead counsel in not only class action lawsuits, but also in almost 200 individual actions in federal courts around the country.
Mr. Crick believes that all citizens and residents of this country should be treated with respect and decency by all individuals and businesses alike, and started Rights Protection Law Group, PLLC to help in ensuring that.
The firm represents individual consumers in Massachusetts, and also in different federal courts across the country. The firm has Of Counsel – attorneys that we regularly work with that have their own firms – on its team who are licensed to practice in federal courts across the country. The Firm and its Of Counsel are concerned with ensuring that all clients are afforded effective legal representation, and their goal is to provide relief to clients, be it monetary or otherwise, and have them leaving with a sense that they attained justice.
8 Faneuil Hall Marketplace, Third Floor Suite 200 Boston MA 02019